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Episode 351 (Mar. 4, 2003)
             What are -you-          *MEEP!*
            doing in -here-?  ___ ___ ,
                         `OO |   |==~|
                          ||-|o  |[[.|
             ____________ bb |___||| | ________

                 Turns out she hadn't eloped;
                  I had accidentally locked
         ,,,     ,  her in the closet again!
         '..   OO
         .||. .||.
    _____ || _ dd ______

                                                _   __              )
                                               ' `-/ _)            (
                                              /.- /  /\\           ) /|
                                              || /  /  \\ |  /    (_):|
Looks kinda      Yeah.. I hope those      ____||/  /-( *BOOM!* )-,'.::|
 angry. `,,,     ,  buildings aren't     |:::(((:|/    /  |.:\   |::::|
         ''.   OO   very important.      |:::::::|  __  .::::|   |::::|
         .||. .||.                       |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|
jg_______ || _ dd ________               |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|
                          `--.           |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|

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Episode 352 (Mar. 6, 2003)
Fan Boy! I got a huge basket
  and sandwiches! Are you
thinking what I'm thinking?                      ,,,
                  `OO                            ..'
             __|__-||-                           ||
           _ \___/ bb __________________________ /| __

                         Yup, I thought "I wonder if
                        Nerd Boy is thinking the same
                          thing as I am?"  `,,,
                   OO                       ..'
             __|__.||.                     .||.
             \___/ bb _____________________ ||

               But..        Thanks for answering that
                  `         one. Would've bothered `,,,
                   OO       me for ages otherwise.  '..
             __|__.||.                               ||
             \___/ bb ______________________________ |\

jg__________ \___/ bb _______________________________________________

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Episode 353 (Mar. 9, 2003)
               You got up late.           Yeah, I was up all night
       .--.            `,,,                playing Knight Rider.
      / / |       ,---- '..  ----.                        `OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|                          ))
  ___ | | | __ ||______ //____|__| _______________________ d d __

              HAAhahahahaaa!                  What's so funny?!
       .--.            `,,,                     ,
      / / |       ,---- '~~  ----.            OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|           .||.
      | | | __ ||______ //____|__| __________ dd

             Knight.. night.. I                What? That wouldn't
            thought it was a pun.                make any sense!
       .--.            `,,,                     ,
      / / |       ,---- '..  ----.            OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|           -||-
      | | | __ ||______ //____|__| __________ dd ________

                  Kind of like               That's it, I'm going
                your other puns.                back to bed...
       .--.             `,,,                                `
      / / |       ,----- ..' ----.                           OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|                          ((
jg____| | |    ||______ //____|__| ________________________ b b ____

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Episode 354 (Mar. 11, 2003)
  Hey Nerd Boy, what would              I'd change that weird
 you do as president of the              right to bear arms.
   United States?    `__                 ,
                     #..               OO
                      )|              .||.
                      |\               dd

        Really? You'd change             Well, duh! Who wants bear
          the arms laws?  `__            ,  arms anyway?! Let the
                          #..          OO   bears keep their arms!
                          .)|.        -||-
                     _____ || ________ dd _____

                   Wh- What?!            Yeah. If you're giving away
                          `__            ,  arms, make it something
                          #..          OO   cool like -robot- arms.
                          .)|.        .||.
  ________________________ || ________ dd __________________________

            Forget I asked.             And one arm could have a
             __ ,                        ,  laser gun maybe, or
             --#                       OO    some kinda saw...
             |(                       .||-
jg__________ /| ______________________ dd _________

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Episode 355 (Mar. 13, 2003)
    I finally did it! This machine                o   o
   can turn brain waves into music!           _____\_/_____
                               `OO        ___|##|  ___  |##|
                               .||.      (|:|)##| |o_o| |##|
                            ___ bb ________:_|##|_______|##|___

    No more lonely nights playing                 o   o
      the violin! Here goes... `____          _____\_/_____
                               (|OO|)        |##|  ___  |##|
                                `||' \       |##| |o_o| |##|
                                 db   `.___.'|##|_______|##|

                             |)\/\/|  |.          o   o
                                ____          _____\_/_____
                       *BZZT!*-(|##|)-*PAF!* |##|  ___  |##|
                                 ||  \       |##| |o_o| |##|
    ____________________________ db   `./\/\/|##|_______|##|________

    Wonderful music.      BUNDLE OF TULIPS?!      o   o        .~
           `,,,            ,   FOR ME?        _____\_/_____    |
            '..         OO>                  |##|  ___  |##|  o'
             ||         .\\            ___   |##| |o_o| |##|
jg&bug______ |\ ________ dd _________ (| |)-'|##|_______|##|

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Episode 356 (Mar. 16, 2003)
                           *Mail from*
                             *Mandy*     "Sailing's dandy"?! Ugh.. I'm
                  .------------- -        still deaf from trying that
                  | Remember, you    _   ,  stupid machine last week.
                  | owe me dinner.  (_| O
                  :                [__]_.)_|
                                   |   |d| |
 I have to tell you something.
This thing with the robot clone        Uh huh, could you pass
 of you made me realize.. I..         ,  the meat please?
         I love you.   `~.    .  .   O
                       |_>._v_|__|_v_ )_|
    __________________ | |\|        |d| | ________________________

                    __     \          /     __
                    \                        /
                       __       __ __      __
                 --   /__`/|/\ /_//   /_/ |_/  --
                     .__// / // / \_ /  / o
                   /_                       _\
                          /          \

             .--------------- -
             | NOTE TO SELF: ___
             | Mandy is a   (_(_|O# _
             | rabid vegan. [_|_]_))_|
jg&bug       :              | |  |d| |

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Episode 357 (Mar. 18, 2003)
   Nerd Boy was deaf?! That explains          ,,,
    a lot. I should apologize to  `~..        ..'
    him for my violent outburst.   .>>.      .||.
                         __________ || ______ || _____

                           Nerd Boy?
                   ,,,      ,
                   '..   ~..
                    ||    >>           _____  _|
 __________________ |\ __ |\ _________ |   | | | ___________________

Hey, here's a note. "I've moved out.
 I feel my mind is degenerating. `,,,
 I need change; new places, new   '.. _           ..~
   people. Good bye forever."      ||//_____  _| .<<.
                   _______________ ||  |   | | |  || __

                                  '..             ..~
                                   ||  _____  _|  <<
__________________________________ ||  |   | | |  || __________

Oops. Maybe I should've
written the note -after-           ,,,
packing my bags.  `OO              ..'            ..~
               _n_ ||             .||. _____  _| .<<.
jg___________ |___|bb ____________ ||  |   | | |  || __

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Episode 358 (Mar. 20, 2003)
   Finally, I'm moving out. Can't
 shake the feeling that I forgot to
  do something important though...
               _n_ .||.
         ____ |___| bb __________________

          Oh well. Taxi!
               _n_ .||
   __________ |___| bb ____________________________________________

             I'm sure it'll                ____
            come back to me.           .--'.---\---.
                       `OO         ___/___/____|____\___
                     __,//       o'-o-' _ |    |    |_  |
       ___ *draaag* /__/ b _____ '::'--(o)'----'----(o)-' _______

        So.. Where           That's it, deciding a
         to, pal?    ____    ,  destination! Crap.
                `.--'.---\---.      _   _____
             ___/___/____|_OO_\___   - __ -
           o'-o-' _ |    |    |_  | - _- - _
jg________ '::'--(o)'----'----(o)-' ____________________

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Episode 359 (Mar. 23, 2003)
 You're looking for      Yeah, step
 a roommate, right?      right in.
     ___`____        ___ ,
    |   | OO |      (..()
    |o  | || |       .||-
    |___| bb |     __ || ________________

              Nice place.         Thanks.
                     `         ___ ,
                     OO       ()^^)           ___      __  _____   __
                    ((         ||            |\_ \_   || ||`. --`.|| |
   ________________ b b ______ |\ __________ | ()-()  ||_||_|____|||_|

 Well, as long as there are           Not closets, but there's the
no skeletons in your closets,        freezer where I keep heads...
 you've got a new roommate!       ___ ,
                         `OO     (..()
                         -||-     .||.
        _________________ bb _____ || __________________

                ..of cabbage?         Uh.. yes! That's
                         `        ___ ,  less weird!
                          OO     (..()
                          ||      -||.
jg_______________________ bb _____ || ________________________

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Episode 360 (Mar. 25, 2003)
                         You have all this cool stuff; how come
              ___        ,  no one wants to live with you? I
             ()..)     OO    could really get used to this.
              ||      ((
          ___ |\ ____ b b ________________________

Yeah, it's weird. I've had a number of roommates actually, but it
never seems to work out, like my first roomie; he was a giant robot--
actually, I think you two met some time way back when, when you were
looking to hire him for this job or something--anyway, we used to share
an apartment for a while, but after just a couple of days he was gone,
said he was going to get a smoke or something and he just never came
back, which incidentally is exactly what my third and seventh roommates
did, and it turned out they had smuggled their stuff out in advance,
not to mention those who didn't even take their stuff with them; I have
lots of stuff here that is just mine by default since they left, and
that's actually what all of my roommates do; they stay for a couple of
days and then just disappear!
                     ()..)      OO
                      ||        ||
    _________________ || ______ dd ___________________________

         And I have no            ..well.. I'm starting
          idea why!  `___         ,  to figure it out.
                     ()..)      OO
                     -||-        ))
jg___________________ || ______ dd _______

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