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Episode 471 (Dec. 9, 2003)
 Nerd Boy, come       What? I haven't          __
and see the mess     done anything! `         _\/_  *whirrr*
 you made. `~--                     OO      __(__)__
            .>>.                   -||-     ) ,,  o(
    ________ || ___________________ dd ___ /_____.__\ ______

                                                       ` _ '
_____________   The sun is moving.                   -- (_) --
             \          |         It always does.      ,   .
              \ Not south to north.  |                   |
_______________\        |         Oh. And you assume
   ___        |          `        , that's my fault?
  |_|_|       |           ~..   OO
  |_|_|       |           .>>. .||.
______________|--.________ || _ dd _______________________

   What's that machine you        That's just my axis displacer. It'll
  were working on in there?       ,  move the axis of the earth so we
                         `~..   OO    end up at a warmer latitude.
                          ->>. .||.
              ____________ || _ dd _____________

                          ~--   OO
                           >>  -||-
jg                         ||   dd

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Episode 472 (Dec. 11, 2003)
        Here comes the sun,    Nerd Boy, you need to turn the earth
        ,  doo-do-doo-doo.        ,  back and restore winter.
      OO                       ..~
     ((                       .<<.
____ b b _____________________ || ___________________

Why?! It's better                 Let me introduce you
  this way!   `                    ,  to some people.
               OO               ~--
              -||-               >>
      ________ bb ______________ |\ ________________________________

_________________________                                  |
               /         \                               . _ ,
              /           \                            -- (_) --
_____________/_____________\       There he is!          '   `
               |   __    '          Get him!      \\\      |
     ___       |  |  |  Oo        __ , __     ,,,   \   __   __   __
    |_|_|      |  | o|  ||        oo'  --' oo --  oo/\  --)  --"  oo$
    |_|_|      |  |__|__bb       -||  (_ ) || // .||   .||.   )) .|(.
_______________|__|___|---'-.____ ||   ||  '_/ )_ ||    dd    ||  ||

        Democracy sucks!
jg       d d

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Episode 473 (Dec. 14, 2003)
          "Blah blah snow, blah blah skiing is so fun."
          ,  Let's see how fun these things really are.
      _ OO  _
__.--' .||.  '-.
       |bb|     \__
         \\        `-.                                            ___.'
|       Hmm. Pretty fun downhill.  |           Up is an entirely      |
|  \ \   ,       \     /\          |          different matter...     |
|   `  OO         `.  //\\         |                .-'       `OO     |
|    .((.           \ //\\     A   |               /         .((.     |
|   /  bb            `.||     /A\  |           __.'         ( bb )    |
|       \\              `-.____|___|_________.'              //       |
|                      .-'                         '-.                |
|           OH CRAP. Backwards    ,                   \               |
|            is no fun at all!   /                     `-.            |
|                 /          `OO  /                       `.          |
|             _.-'       --+-((.                            '-._      |
|          _.'               bb \                               `--._ |
|     ----'                 //                                       `|

   In retrospect, I
   really should've
   seen this coming.____
         _____   `   pp `
     __,'     `---._//_
jg.-'                  `-._____

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Episode 474 (Dec. 16, 2003)
Where's Nerd Boy?         I dunno. Haven't
          `              seen him for days!
          ,,,              ,
          '..           ..~
          .||.         -<<-
      ____ || _________ || _____

        There he is.     Have you been in your
               `         room this whole time?            Yeah.
               ,,,        ,                                  `
               '..     ~..                                    OO
                ||     .>>-                                    ))
         ______ |\ ____ || __________________________________ d d

              Been working on that         Um. When's
 Whatever.    history report, huh?          that due?
       `                   `,,,             ,
        ..~                 '..           OO
        <<                  .||.          ||
        /| _________________ || _________ dd ______

                        Friday.                    Excuse me for a
                            `                      couple of days.
                            ,,,                     ,
                            '..                   OO
                            .||.                 ((
jg                           ||                  b b

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Episode 475 (Dec. 18, 2003)
And then I realized that all my            How fascinating.
 socks have holes in them!                 ,
              `OO                       ~--
               ||                        >>
            __ bb ______________________ |\ _______

                    / Why did I say that? Now she'll get me socks  \
                 . o\ for Christmas! I have to talk her out of it! /
        ______ bb __________________________

                    Oh, hey.. About              I know, don't worry.
                     the socks...                 ,  I'm not getting
                                `OO            ..~   you anything for
                                .||.          .<<.      Christmas.
                ________________ bb __________ || ________

                      OO                                ~..
                       ))                                >>
        _____________ d d ______________________________ |\ ____

jg              dd

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Episode 476 (Dec. 21, 2003)
I gotta ask: Why aren't you            In fact, yes. -You're- not
getting me Xmas presents?             getting -anyone- any presents!
Was it something I did?               ,
          `OO                      --~
          ((                      .<<.
      ___ b b ____________________ || ___________

I wasn't serious! I just said       I knew it!     A-haa!
that to give Fan Boy a scare!         ,              `,,,
                     `OO           ..~                ..'
                     -||-         -<<.                -\\.
               ______ bb _________ || ________________ || ____

A trick?! Threatening not               Exactly.
to give presents for Xmas                   `,,,
   is really mean!    `@@          ..~       ..'
                     -//-         .<<.       ||
                  ___ bb _________ || ______ /| ___

... I don't see the irony,
there's no irony, shut up.
         ,                              ,,,
       OO                          --~  --'
        ))                         <<   ||
jg     d d                         ||   ||

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Episode 477 (Dec. 23, 2003)
           Yes! I got the ZX-42       What the heck is      _\/_
           Holotronic component!      that? Who would        /\
            Just what I needed!        get you that?        /o'\
        __                 `             ,            ,,,   /'o\
       #..    ==~           OO ,_     ..~             ''.  /o.-'\
       .)|.  .[[.          .||-\|    .<<.            .//.  /'_o_\
        ||    ||     ______ bb ______ || _______      ||     ||

                        Um...         Does anyone except you know what
        __                 `                `,,,  a Holothingy -is-?
       #..    ==~           OO        ..~    ..'
       .)|.  .[[.          ((         <<    -||-
        ||    || __________ bb ______ || ___ /| ____

Did you buy that
 for yourself?               Uh...
      ` __                    ,            ,,,
       #--   ~==            OO        --~  --'
       .)|.   ]]             ))       <<  .||.
    ___ || __ || __________ dd _____  ||   ||

                       MERRY                                 /\
                     CHRISTMAS!                             /o'\
        __                 `               ,,,              /'o\
       #..   ~==            OO        ..~  ..'             /o.-'\
       .)|.   ]]           -||-       <<  .||.             /'_o_\
jg      ||    ||            db        ||   ||                ||

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Episode 478 (Dec. 25, 2003)
 ------------------------------                  _ __
          _ _        \  ,--.  /                /_/_/
        ,'.'_\      -- (|@@|) --              /_/_/
       |_/ _\_|      /  -||-  \
       \_|//(##)         db               Black chocolate!      *drool*
       ( o)  \#|                                              OO
        \_|                                                   '))
         |   Dolby 5.1 headphones                             dd
  =>-.__,'                                         >O<   __
                                               o   _     `-'
                                             o    //  >O<
                                              o         _
                   ,'''.                           \   _))
                   |___|                               "
                   ||o|| CommuniCam             Candy!
          ,        '---'
        / '/ /                          .
       /  / /                          /|\
      (  ( (                          /-|+\
       \  \ \                        /-.|\-\
        `-'-'                       /#-_|,-'\
     Obligatory                    /'-< |_+-'\       IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
       socks!                      `-._`| _.-'        ,
                                       `"'        _ @@
                                  Pyramid Maze    V-||-
jg                                                  dd

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Episode 479 (Dec. 28, 2003)
  Hey guys, I learned        Let's see it.
     self-hypnosis.               `,,,
                 `OO               ..'     ..~
                 ((               .||.    .<<.
         _______ b b _____________ || ____ || ___

I will turn into a frog, and
awake from hypnosis when I
 snap my fingers!  `               ,,,
                   <OO>            ..'     ..~
                    ||            .||.    .<<.
      _____________ bb ___________ || ____ || __________

                           That's pretty
               ribbit             `,,,
                   `               ..'     --~
                    OO            .||.     <<
          ________ d||b __________ || ____ || ______

  Do you think that frog will
snap its fingers any time soon?       Who cares?
              ,--.          `,,,       ,                ribbit
             / / |         ,-'.. -- ..~ --.                 `
             +-+-+      .-'__ || __ << .-'|                  OO
jg           | | |      ||__ // ___ //_|__|                 d||b

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Episode 480 (Dec. 30, 2003)
                                           So, New Year's Eve, huh?
                       ,,,                 ,   What's the point?
                       '..               OO
                       .||.               ))
              _________ || _____________ d d _____

              Whaddayamean?           Why celebrate the fact that some
                      `,,,            ,  monk or whatever decided that
 ~..                   '..          OO    the year starts tomorrow?!
  >>                   .||.        -||-
_ |\ __________________ || ________ dd ______

 Is this the "we should
have New Year's presents
like they do in Japan"  ,,,
speech again?  `~..     ..'         OO
                .>>.   .||.         ||
    ____________ || ___ || ________ dd __________________

                       ,,,                         ,
                ~..    '~~                       OO
                 >>    .||.                     ((
jg               ||     ||                      b b

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