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Episode 611 (Dec. 2, 2004)
    There should be a ban on          Because of the thing you and
buying things for oneself during       Fan Boy were talking about?
  November and December.  `            ,
                           OO        ..~
                          ((        .<<.
              ___________ b b ______ || _________

            Yeah, it's.. you          No. I won't for the next
            were listening? `          ,  few minutes either.
                             OO     ~..
                            .||.    .<<-"
                  __________ bb ____ || ____

Hm. Well, the benefits are two-fold:
You won't buy something that you'll
later get for Xmas, and when you
finally get stuff, you're   `
even more thankful because   OO      ..~
of abstaining for a while.  <||.    .<<.
             _______________ bb ____ || ___________

                   Well, what do      I think maroon drapes
                    you think?        would be perfect here.
                            `          ,
                             OO     ~..
                            -||-    .>>.
jg__________________________ bb ____ || ________________

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Episode 612 (Dec. 5, 2004)
       Beyond yonder hills lies adventure!
      _ ,  Cat, let us seize the moment!              ___,-------------
     |..                                         __,-'________
     |o|__      _,, *meow?*                   _,;_,--'        '-._
    (| |     ___)..                       _,-'                    `-.__
 ___ |_| ___ />->\ ___________________,--'

Hey, although I am figmentatious,
 you shouldn't question  ` _                                 ___,------
    your imagination.     |--       *..mmeeow?*         __,-'________
                          |.|_,   ,,_                _,;_,--'        '-
                         /| |     ..(__          _,-'
          _______________ |_| ___ mm _<) ____,--'

         Because life would be boring!
          __ ,  Now, go! Over the..      ___,-----------,---._
         /..                        __,-'________      /      `-.
       \/o/__                    _,;_,--'  ,'    '-._,'          `.
       / /                   _,-'         /          `-.__         \
 ____ /_/ ________*ZOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo..-'                `----.___ `.

                        Oh my.
                           ` _                               ___,------
                            |..                         __,-'________
                            |-|                      _,;_,--'        '-
                           (| |)                 _,-'
jg_________________________ |_| _____________,--'

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Episode 613 (Dec. 7, 2004)
      ( (
       `-`        The moon is nice         Mmm. But it's cold.
                  this time of year.     I'm going back inside.
                                `         ,
                                _OO __ ..~ _
                              _/__))__ <<__/               _    _
    ________________________ / \ dd   // / \ _____________|||__|||____

              NO! I mean.. Why don't      Because you're not
              you borrow my jacket?       wearing a jacket.
                                 `        ,
                                __@@__ ..~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
         ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________

                                         Exactly. So are we
                                  *       ,  going inside?
                                __OO__ ..~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
         ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________

              I would, but I think
               I'm frozen solid. `
                                __OO__ --~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
jg       ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________

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Episode 614 (Dec. 9, 2004)
Greetings Nerd Boy! I am the       No you're not, you're just
ghost of Christmas past!          me from a couple of days ago.
       _  ,                      ,
      /OO                      OO
     <   >                    .||.
 ____ |_| ____________________ dd _____________

 Woah. How            Because I was there, stupid!
  did you              How could the past me ever         Yeah, I
 know that?            surprise the present me?!        was an idiot.
        `                        ,                       _ ,
         OO                    OO                       O."
        .||.                  -||-                       )).
_,-'`-._ bb __________________ dd _____________________ d d ) _____

              Future me?! How did you       Same way you knew, stupid;
              know this was happening?      this happened to me before.
                              `                      _ ,
         OO                    OO                   O."
        .||.                  .||-                   )).
       _ bb __________________ bb _________________ dd | _______

Even -I- got that!      I'm confused now.             *sigh*
        `                     `                      _
         OO                    OO                   O-"
        -||-                   ||                    )).
jg       bb                    db                   dd |

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Episode 615 (Dec. 12, 2004)
Do you realize how expensive
water is? I've stopped taking                Um..
showers to save up for a  `,,,               ,
  Playstation Portable.    '..             OO
                            ||            .||.
                         __ |\ ___________ dd ____

      I think that if I don't               What? How long have you
     take a shower for the next              gone without a shower?
       three months, I'll    `,,,            ,
        have enough money.    '..          OO
                              .||.        .||.
                   ___________ || ________ dd _________

                  Let me check. *scratch*
                             `,,, *scratch*
                              '..>         oO
                              .||          ||
                       _______ || ________ dd _____

              Looks like two weeks.         Dude; gross.
                             `,,,            ,
                              '..          oO
                              .||'         ||
jg                             ||          dd

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Episode 616 (Dec. 14, 2004)
          I love these         Blech,
        Hong Kong movies!    booooring.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~-- -.          | \  \
                |`-._(( __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
    ___________ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ____________

           Look! That      That aside, he's
          guy can fly!       pretty cute.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~.. -.          | \  \
                |`-._((-__ >>___`-.       +--+-+
        _______ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | __________

         Now what are         Hey, now it's
         they.. Oh no.      getting interesting.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~.. -.          | \  \
                |`-._(( __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
          _____ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ________

             Blech,           I love these
            booooring.      Hong Kong movies!
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,--- OO - ~^^ -.          | \  \
                |`-._\\ __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
      jg_______ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ______

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Episode 617 (Dec. 16, 2004)
 Jingle bells,                         What are you        /\
 jingle bells..                       so happy about?     /-'\
         `,,,                          ,                 /o " \
          '~~                        OO                  /'''`\
          -||-                      .||.                /,_.'o_\
  ________ |\ ______________________ dd ___________________||_____

Xmas, silly! You forgot? With         Oh yeah. Well,       /\
a tree right behind you and           I've been busy.     /-'\
Xmas music on the `,,,                 ,                 /o " \
 radio non-stop?   '~~               OO                  /'''`\
                   .||.             .||.                /,_.'o_\
                ___ || _____________ dd ___________________||_____

                   '..               OO'
                   .||.             .||.
  _________________ || _____________ dd ___________________________

   Are you making a giant                                 _\/_
    robot with the single                                  /\
  objective to destroy Xmas?           Um..               /-'\
                  `,,,                 ,                 /o " \
                   '--               OO                  /'''`\
                   .||.              ||                 /,_.'o_\
jg              ___ || _____________ dd ___________________||_____

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Episode 618 (Dec. 19, 2004)
  Well, I reprogrammed my robot.
  Now instead of destroying Xmas,
  it will spread the Xmas spirit.                OK.
                            `                      `,,,
                             OO                     ..'
                            .||.                   .||.
        ____________________ bb ___________________ || ___

   *SKREEEEEEE!* ____
             _| / ___\  |_
              \|/|(#)#) /
               \,-\<|>./      See, he's even
                \     /    wearing a Santa's hat!
          /\/\_,/`._,'         ,                    ,,,
         / /\'\/`.__|\       OO                     oo'
        / /(__/___,'\ \     -||.                   .||.
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\____ dd ___________________ || ___

                / ___\
               *,-\<|>.   Well?         You have made Santa's hats
               |\     /|   |            a source of abject terror.
          /\/\_|/`._,' |    `                      `,,,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|     OO                     oo'
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .||.                   .||.
jg_____/_/___/_____\_\_\____ bb ___________________ || ______

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Episode 619 (Dec. 21, 2004)
                / ___\
               |\     /| /_  We're home!        You've been shopping?
          /\/\_|/`._,' |/      ,                  ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\      ~..                 OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.                 ))'
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] _____________ d d __________

                / ___\
               |/|(#)#)    Yeah, your giant robot gave
               *,-\<|>.    me some great present tips.
               |\     /|   He really saved Xmas for me.
          /\/\_|/`._,' |       ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|    ~..                OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.              .||.
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] ____________ dd  __________

                / ___\
               |/|(-)-)   And why do people complain
               *,-\<|>.   about Xmas rush? We didn't
               |\     /|     stand in line once!
          /\/\_|/`._,' |       ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|    ~..                OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.               ||
jg_____/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] ____________ dd  __________

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Episode 620 (Dec. 23, 2004)
                                 / ___\  *SKREEEEE*
                            _|  |/|(#)#)  |_
        MERRY XMAS!          \__*,-\<|>.__/     MERRY XMAS!
                                 \     /
      ,,,    __   ,,,      /\/\__/`._,'                  ___
       --   #..#  '..     / /\'\/'.__|\      OO    ..~  (..()
      -\\-  -)(-  -||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    -||-  -<<-   -||-
      _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   db    ||     ||

         Why did I have to        / ___\
        stand next to this       |(#)#)|         Oh stop being
        creepy Xmas monster?     ,-<|>/.          such a big
                  `             /\     /|           baby!
      ,,,    __   ,,,      /\/\_\/`._,' |            ,   ___
       --   #..   'oo     / /\'\/'.__|\ |\   OO    ..~  (..()
      .\\.  .)|.  .||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    .||.  .<<.   .||.
      _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   dd    ||     ||

                                 / ___\
          But that's what       |/|(#)#)
            Xmas is all         *,-\<|>.  He's         And I didn't get
               about!           /\     /| right.         any presents.
      ,,,    __  `,,,      /\/\_\/`._,' |   `            ___ ,
       --   #..   '..     / /\'\/'.__|\/|    OO    --~  (,,()
      .\\.  .)|.  -||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    .||.  .<<.   .||.
jg    _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   bb    ||     ||

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